Falling Stars
In the enchanting town of Eureka Springs, nine-year-old Tommy Lucas is running out of time. Diagnosed with terminal cancer, he clings to an impossible belief: his cure lies with a legendary vampire who once walked these very streets.
As Tommy's devoted mother June, an oncologist, struggles to balance medical reality with her son's hope, their lives intertwine with a mysterious local artist. Unknown to them, this man harbors a century-old secret that could change everything.
Weaving between present-day drama and World War II intrigue, Falling Stars is a spellbinding tale of:
A boy's unwavering faith in the face of mortality
A mother's desperate fight to save her child
An immortal's choice between solitude and love
This eleven-time award winner blends urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and heartfelt family drama, asking: How far would you go to save someone you love?
Dive into a world where history whispers of vampires, where modern medicine meets ageless magic, and where the line between reality and fantasy blurs with every falling star.
SPR: Superhuman Public Radio
SPR is public radio For Superhumans, By Superhumans. A loving parody of your favorite public radio shows, SPR presents a world in which superheroes are always in the news, for good or evil. Keith plays a variety of roles across two seasons: Rich Peters, a media talking head who weighs in on the deportation case of an alien super; Tomcat Goldteeth, a villainous panelist on the hit quiz show Wait Wait… Don’t Kill Me!; Jim Pratchett, a carnie with indecipherable politics; and Dean Morgan Welles, a university administrator who is absolutely not running a PhD mill for supervillains, thank you very much. (Comedic, Academic, Southern, Austrian)
Amber Alert
In the crime drama Amber Alert, Keith stars as Kevin Howe, a troubled trucker from Cape Cod coming to terms with his eldest son’s involvement in the death of his youngest. In this episode, Kevin follows a paper trail in search of his recently paroled son. (Narrative, Serious, Boston Accent)
Commercial Reel
0:01 — Computer Ad (Cheerful, Playful, Proud)
0:22 — Podcast Mid-roll (Warm, Intelligent, Grounded)
0:41 — Medication w/Fair Balance (Hopeful, Confident, Uplifting)
1:07 — Cat Food (Earthy, Low, Tongue-in-cheek)
1:28 — Community Pharmacy (Bright, Open, Helpful)